Redrawn images.
Juan Borchers and the space of representation in the Campo de los Milagros of Pisa, 1948-1962
representation, architectural theory, travelAbstract
The journey of the Chilean architect Juan Borchers (1910-1975) through America and later in Europe and North Africa is a paradigmatic case of a catalytic experience that created new ways of representing space. These representations are the result of the critique of known techniques, the implementation of registration strategies, and the interpretation of architecture based on full-page images in books and theories of perception.
In the article the study of the Campo de los Milagros performed in 1948 by Borchers is exposed, where he differentiates between photography, the lens, and the eye, based on theoretical references of representation from Oswald Spengler, Henri Poincaré, and Adolf Hildebrand, ending with the recovery of images from memory by applying techniques of interpretation of reality.
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