Sinceresly yours, Odilia Suárez
Odilia Suárez, pan-American congresses, Frank Lloyd Wright, landscape, architectureAbstract
A few years after her graduation as an architect, Odilia Suárez traveled to Mexico on behalf of the Revista de Arquitectura of the Central Architects Association (SCA) to attend the VIII Pan-American Congress of Architects of 1952. The trip allowed her to continue with her professional training, but also to visit her older sister Yolanda, who lived in Mexico City. During her stay, Suárez met some Mexican culture personalities and also the architect Frank Lloyd Wright, with whom she would exchange five letters until she could reach his residence “Taliesin West”. Based on the reading of this correspondence, this article seeks to establish links between the personal experiences of Suárez and his professional works, in particular, with the implementation and teaching of the disciplinary field Urban Design, locally translated as Diseño Urbano.
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