The viceroy's church
The Desamparados in the artistic environment of seventeenth-century Lime
architecture, peruvian baroque, Jesuits, inventoryAbstract
This article analyzes the church of Los Desamparados in Lima within the artistic and social discourse of the 17th century. A church, now disappeared, which is defined as an artistic and cultural centre of relevance, having as its main promoter the viceroy Pedro Antonio González de Castro, X Count of Lemos and his confessor the Jesuit Francisco del Castillo. It analyzes the work of Manuel Escobar, who directed the construction of the church between 1669-1672 in parallel with other important churches in Lima, which is a key issue in the architecture of the church. Finally, an unpublished inventory of the church of Los Desamparados before its demolition in 1938 is offered, constituting a document of special interest for the American scientific community.
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