Luigi Piccinato
The southern trajectory of the “father” of Modern Italian Urbanism (1948-50)
Luigi Piccinato, urbanism, Italian architects, organic cultureAbstract
Luigi Piccinato was one of the most outstanding personalities of urbanism in the 20th Century. The exceptionality and breadth of his contribution turned him into a promoter of an organic culture, that resulted in an urbanism that looked at the territory and the cities as living organisms in continuous evolution, without neglecting the social aspect, so important to him. His work was developed in his native country, Italy, and also abroad, with a short period in the Argentine Republic, during the government of General Juan Domingo Perón, where his work left an indelible mark. This paper, based on unknown documents found in archives, reconstructs and deepens on the biographical aspects of his person, thought, and career, mainly regarding his professional performance as an architect city-planner, university profesor and lecturer in the framework of his southern experience (1948-1950). This allows to add new information and key readings to the urbanism of the period.
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